Thursday, May 29, 2008

Going Live Again - Prelude to Revolution pt 3

Stay tuned to find out how to join in!

Live your liberty, don't lose it in a history book.

We are going live again on the last weekend of June!

Join Us!! Sunday, June 29, 2008
EPISODE 3 - Prelude to 1776 "Our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor
Time: 06/29/2008 4:00 PM PDT Pacific!! 07:00 PM EDT

This is Prelude to Revolution -
May 1775, to July 4th, 1776
- a live audio production of Eclipse-1 Media.

We have had well over 2000 downloads since July 4, 2007!

Listen to the 2 previous episodes!
part 1 -
part 2!!

Description: Historical perspectives on Independence Day
- The Nature of American Freedom
Live readings leading up to the creation of the Declaration of Independence

jot it down!!

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